To display text in a variety of sizes and weights.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
<Text>Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
As another element
Utilize the as
property to specify the HTML tag. This changes semantic markup without affecting visual style.
This is a p
<Text as="p">
This is a <Code>p</Code> element.
<Text as="label">
This is a <Code>label</Code> element.
<Text as="div">
This is a <Code>div</Code> element.
<Text as="span">
This is a <Code>span</Code> element.
Font Size
Use size
or textStyle
for text size. It makes line height and spacing smaller as text size grows and also ensures
text size is even for better layout.
<Text size="xs">Ag</Text>
<Text size="sm">Ag</Text>
<Text size="md">Ag</Text>
<Text size="lg">Ag</Text>
<Text size="xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="2xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="3xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="4xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="5xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="6xl">Ag</Text>
<Text size="7xl">Ag</Text>
Font Weight
Use the fontWeight
prop to set the text weight.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.
<Text fontWeight="light">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
<Text fontWeight="normal">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
<Text fontWeight="medium">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
<Text fontWeight="semibold">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
<Text fontWeight="bold">Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow.</Text>
npx @park-ui/cli components add text
Styled Primitive
Copy the code snippet below into ~/components/ui/primitives/text.tsx
'use client'
import type { Assign, HTMLArkProps } from '@ark-ui/react'
import React from 'react'
import { css, cx } from 'styled-system/css'
import { splitCssProps } from 'styled-system/jsx'
import { type TextVariantProps, text } from 'styled-system/recipes'
import type { JsxStyleProps } from 'styled-system/types'
type PolymorphicRef<C extends React.ElementType> = React.ComponentPropsWithRef<C>['ref']
type AsProp<C extends React.ElementType> = {
as?: C
type PropsToOmit<C extends React.ElementType, P> = keyof (AsProp<C> & P)
type PolymorphicComponentProp<C extends React.ElementType, Props = {}> = React.PropsWithChildren<
Props & AsProp<C>
> &
Omit<React.ComponentPropsWithoutRef<C>, PropsToOmit<C, Props>>
type PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef<
C extends React.ElementType,
Props = {},
> = PolymorphicComponentProp<C, Props> & { ref?: PolymorphicRef<C> }
export type TextProps<C extends React.ElementType> = PolymorphicComponentPropWithRef<
Assign<JsxStyleProps, HTMLArkProps<'p'>> & TextVariantProps
type PolymorphicComponent = <C extends React.ElementType = 'p'>(
props: TextProps<C>,
) => React.ReactNode | null
export const Text: PolymorphicComponent = React.forwardRef(
<C extends React.ElementType = 'p'>(props: TextProps<C>, ref?: PolymorphicRef<C>) => {
const [variantProps, textProps] = text.splitVariantProps(props)
const [cssProps, localProps] = splitCssProps(textProps)
const { className, as, ...otherProps } = localProps
const styles = text(variantProps)
const Component = props.as || 'p'
return <Component ref={ref} className={cx(styles, css(cssProps), className)} {...otherProps} />
import type { Assign, HTMLArkProps } from '@ark-ui/solid'
import { mergeProps, splitProps } from 'solid-js'
import { Dynamic } from 'solid-js/web'
import { css, cx } from 'styled-system/css'
import { splitCssProps } from 'styled-system/jsx'
import { type TextVariantProps, text } from 'styled-system/recipes'
import type { JsxStyleProps } from 'styled-system/types'
export interface TextProps extends Assign<JsxStyleProps, HTMLArkProps<'p'>>, TextVariantProps {
as?: 'p' | 'label' | 'div' | 'span'
export const Text = (props: TextProps) => {
const mergedProps = mergeProps({ as: 'p' }, props)
const [variantProps, textProps] = splitProps(mergedProps, ['size', 'variant'])
const [cssProps, elementProps] = splitCssProps(textProps)
const [localProps, rootProps] = splitProps(elementProps, ['as', 'class'])
const className = text(variantProps)
return (
class={cx(className, css(cssProps), localProps.class)}
No snippet found
Extend ~/components/ui/primitives/index.ts
with the following line:
export { Text, type TextProps } from './text'
Integrate Recipe
If you're not using @park-ui/preset
, add the following recipe to yourpanda.config.ts
import { defineRecipe } from '@pandacss/dev'
export const text = defineRecipe({
className: 'text',
jsx: ['Heading', 'Text'],
variants: {
variant: {
heading: {
fontWeight: 'semibold',
size: {
xs: { textStyle: 'xs', lineHeight: '1.125rem' },
sm: { textStyle: 'sm', lineHeight: '1.25rem' },
md: { textStyle: 'md', lineHeight: '1.5rem' },
lg: { textStyle: 'lg', lineHeight: '1.75rem' },
xl: { textStyle: 'xl', lineHeight: '1.875rem' },
'2xl': { textStyle: '2xl', lineHeight: '2rem' },
'3xl': { textStyle: '3xl', lineHeight: '2.375rem' },
'4xl': { textStyle: '4xl', lineHeight: '2.75rem', letterSpacing: '-0.02em' },
'5xl': { textStyle: '5xl', lineHeight: '3.75rem', letterSpacing: '-0.02em' },
'6xl': { textStyle: '6xl', lineHeight: '4.5rem', letterSpacing: '-0.02em' },
'7xl': { textStyle: '7xl', lineHeight: '5.75rem', letterSpacing: '-0.02em' },